Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hottie's Top 10 Songs about Robots

Not entirely original and not the first blog to feature a similar list. But I feel it's only appropriate to do robot songs some justice on a community blog of this sort.

Anyway, here's my list in no particular order:

Radiohead - Paranoid Android: Of course.

Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots: Again, an obvious choice.

Tokyo Police Club - Citizens of Tomorrow: Great song about the coming robot uprising (apparently in 2009).

Flight of the Conchords - Robots: Also known and performed as "The Humans Are Dead." Simply hilarious.

Rush - The Body Electric: They were doing binary solos long before that weird New Zealand singing comedy duo above.

Beastie Boys - Intergalactic: Because of the cool robot voice thingie.

Andrew Bird - Not a Robot, But a Ghost: I understand the title slightly contradicts the point of the list, but I don't care. Good song.

Super Furry Animals - Sex, War, and Robots: I'm terrified of all three things. ;)

Daft Punk - Robot Rock: I don't know, it just makes the heads bop and the toes tap.

Styx - Mr. Roboto: You thought I was gonna forget this one, didn't ya? Had to include it, even if I can only tolerate it once a year.

Upon completion of my list, I realized there is a severe lack of popular music written about robots. So... what did I miss?


Polinees said...

Dude, good topic. I agree that there is a lack of robot music in our current entertainment environment.

You do need to include the song Jed the Humanoid by Granddaddy, though.

Polinees said...

Also Transformer by Gnarls Barkley. Maybe it's not a robot song exactly but he DOES say 'I was a robot' somewhere in there.

Jack Frost said...

Unfamiliar with both, but I do have both Gnarls Barkley albums in my iTunes, so off to check that out now.

Denny said...

One time I was sick to the point of being delusional, and when I came out of it my girlfriend told me I was singing Gnarls Barkley's, "Transformer" the whole time I was sleeping.

jacksomnambulist said...

I have to mention the Imperial March.
Darth Vader is half robot right?