Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Twitter All-Stars, Kayma Edition

Freakin' Twitter, man. It's gonna be the end of society as we know it. Say goodbye to to family values and local community; a year from now face-to-face communication will be virtually replaced by tweet tweeting. What happened to good old traditional values?

Oh wait, I forgot; I don't care. Twitter for everyone!

feliciaday- Star of Dr. Horrible and her own web series, The Guild. A veritable goddess.
LunchBagArt- This guy draws an (awesome) cartoon character on his kids' lunch bags everyday. Can you say Best Dad Ever?
Greenspeak- Former 1up, CGW and GFW superstar Jeff Green. A father to us all.
UnicornWatch- Only for those who BELIEVE.
Woot- Because you're too damn lazy to check the website. Or your RSS feeds. Or your texts...
DellOutlet- Occasional, Twitter-exclusive deals on refurbished computer goods. I'm down.
CobraCommander- Yes, THAT Cobra Commander.
tinybuddha- For when you need just a little inspiration.
GarnettLee- Former host of 1upyours and current host of ListenUp!
warrenellis- For when you need a reminder that the British are better, more interesting and quite frankly crazier than we are.

Now get out there and tweet tweet

1 comment:

Polinees said...

Wow, UnicornWatch is pretty amazing. Also, Cobra Commander? Damn! You watchin' some dangerous folk.