Saturday, February 7, 2009

You All Everybody! The Ultimate Theme Song List

Yes, I am aware that "You all everybody" is not the theme song for lost, but I just can't resist referencing it. I watch most of my television shows on DVDs or Netflix instant play, so I always have the opportunity to fast forward through the unnecessary theme song and opening credits. I noticed recently that I sometimes don't take advantage of this opportunity. Some themes are just too damn god to skip over. Here are a list of my favorite theme songs/opening credits. Keep in mind, I'm not saying these are the best, but they're definitely my favorites.
The Wire -Any season really, but let's say season 2 to show the Tom Waits love
Battlestar Galactica -Has there ever been a better song to represent a show?
Lost -Don't question it
Buffy the Vampire Slayer -It gets me pumped!
X-Men -Best.Theme.Ever.
Powderpuff Girls -It's just as fun as the show
Scrubs -I'm a sucker for getting straight to the point
Friends -It will be stuck in my head for the rest of my life. That counts for something, right?
The Twilight Zone -Classic
True Blood -It scares me...

So go ahead, what did I miss?


Jack Frost said...

Oh the early '90's X-Men cartoon theme song. How I love to savor that minute-long opening montage on my bootleg copies of every episode of the show ever made. Not only can I physically not fast forward through or skip the theme song, but who in their right mind would ever consider doing so? It's goosebump-inducing.

Polinees said...

The theme song may be my favorite part of True Blood, which is not to say I don't like the show! And Powerpuff Girls? What a great choice!

I also love the theme song to Dexter, shit I just love the whole opening sequence for Dexter. Ditto that for Deadwood; maybe it's just one of cable TV's strong suits.

jacksomnambulist said...

Yeah, Buffy is definitely up there for pure adrenaline. I definitely love Thomas Newman's music for the opening of Six Feet Under. And if Entourage just had a two minute loop of the last "OH YEAH!" I would love that.

Moving away from cable, I gotta say I have some serious 80's love for the themes to Family Ties and Growing Pains. Wait, does that make me old?

Ambam said...

The Wire - I love the Tom Waits but I think there was one with a female singer that I preferred but that's cause I'm a man hating feminist.

True Blood! I love that song - it's sexy and spooky and absolutely perfect for the show (I do, however, find about half of the montage that goes with it quite a offensive - I get what they're going for...but aren't there already enough things in the world comparing women's body to meat waiting to be devoured? The other half is great - the half that shows hints of vampires living in normal society).
In addition to the many on your list that would be on mine - I'd add the Animaniacs and That 70s Show - but only the first season where it was the cast singing it (the first thing they ever taped for the show)...after that they got an actual band to do it and it sucks.

Denny said...

How did I forget Dexter?

Michelle Suzanne said...

mad men!

madrox said...

venture brothers!

madrox said...

venture brothers!

madrox said...

venture brothers!