Sunday, March 1, 2009

Top Ten Things That Rock

A word association list...

10. Punk- circa 1975-1979
9. The Vote- this time around, I think it worked
8. Gibraltar- it just sounds funny when you say it
7. The Earth- 75% water–whatever
6. The Clock- at least somewhere around it
5. Kid- not a goat, and kind of a redneck, but I think he’d be pretty good in a fight
4. Geology- not a very sexy science, but no less important that any other
3. That Chair in Mom’s old apartment- man, that was comfortable
2. The Casbah- Algiers seems exotic, and this list needs some multiculturalism
1. My Cock Out- it’s very freeing not being encumbered by undergarments

Sorry, no link for #1


Denny said...

Gibraltar....heh, I get it.

madrox said...

crack - cocaine is just so much more efficient in rock form.

alcatraz - yes, even including nick cage.