Monday, February 9, 2009

Things I should be doing.

Here is a list of 10 things I should be doing at this moment rather than goofing around, posting on blogs, reading all my regular internet haunts, and gchatting.

1. Looking for a job. I have been unemployed since early December 08.
2. Laundry. I have no clean clothes or socks.
3. Dishes. Silverware is all dirty.
4. General cleaning of my apartment. It is beyond messy.
5. Taking a shower. It is 1pm and I haven't showered yet because I have no job.
6. Going for a walk. It is nice and sunny outside and excercise is good for me.
7. Packing. Moving in a little less than a month.
8. Art. Need to do more creative things while I am not working.
9. Grocery shopping. Pretty sure everything in the fridge is expired.
10. Drinking coffee. I have some that I am supposed to be critiquing.

Don't want to do any of these things right now. Happy Monday!


Denny said...

Jobs are overrated. Showers though, they're kinda important.

Michelle Suzanne said...

the good news i at least half ass did most of these things today!

Jack Frost said...

I was unemployed for about five months around this time last year. And I also decided it was a good idea to move. What is it about not doing anything with your day that makes you believe you can afford to move? Oh well, things always work out in the end.