Tuesday, April 7, 2009

10 Most Awesome Replacements Songs

The Replacements rule. There are their ten best songs. If you disagree with these choices, then post your own. If you disagree with the first statement, then fuck you!

10. Kid's Don't Follow - Punk at its snotty nosed best. Bonus points for recordings of comically thick-accented Minnesotan policemen
9. Levelines - Hilarious. And catchy.
8. Sixteen Blues - Westerberg's lyrics sum up everything terrible about being a teenager, yet still make one feel oddly nostalgic for those years. Or maybe that's just cause I'm insane.
7. Favorite Thing - Having this come right after I Will Dare made it obvious how awesome Let It Be was going to be upon first listening to it.
6. Kiss Me On The Bus - Their first blatant pop song. Some people note it as a turning point towards the band losing all they stood for, but I'm not one of those people.
5. Bastards Of Young - Best. Feelingdisenfranchisedandlostinthemodernworld. Lyrics. Ever.
4. Hold My Life - Just a powerful opener.
3. Color Me Impressed - The first song to really sound like the Replacements peak material. Also, awesome.
2. Unsatisfied - Beautiful opening. Heartwrenching singing. Pure earnestness. 
1. I Will Dare - It's perfect! Peter Buck guitar solo! Mandolin solo! Toe-tapping galore! Perfect alt country song that doesn't scream country. 

also number 1. The Tim Version of Can't Hardly Wait. I forgot about it, and didn't want to work to put it into the list.

Honorable Mentions:
Black Diamond
Buck Hill
Run It
Alex Chilton
Takin' a Ride

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Top Twenty-Six Favorite Comic Book Super Villains By Letter

My Top Twenty-Six Favorite Comic Book Super Villains By Letter

Minor spoiler alerts on a couple of dudes who turn out to be villains...

A Absorbing Man
B Bullseye
C Captain Cold
D Dr Doom
E Etrigan
F Floronic Man
G Green Goblin
H Hood
I Immortus
J Joker
K Kang (he kinda made it on here twice!)
L Lex Luthor
M Mirror Master
N Namor?
O Owl
P Psycho-Pirate
Q Quentin Quire
R Red Skull
S Solomon Grundy
T Taskmaster
U Ultron
V Vulture
W Weather Wizard
X Xorn
Y I got nothin' on this one...
Z Zoom

PS There were a lot of good P ones! More than you'd think!