10. Kid's Don't Follow - Punk at its snotty nosed best. Bonus points for recordings of comically thick-accented Minnesotan policemen
9. Levelines - Hilarious. And catchy.
8. Sixteen Blues - Westerberg's lyrics sum up everything terrible about being a teenager, yet still make one feel oddly nostalgic for those years. Or maybe that's just cause I'm insane.
7. Favorite Thing - Having this come right after I Will Dare made it obvious how awesome Let It Be was going to be upon first listening to it.
6. Kiss Me On The Bus - Their first blatant pop song. Some people note it as a turning point towards the band losing all they stood for, but I'm not one of those people.
5. Bastards Of Young - Best. Feelingdisenfranchisedandlostinthemodernworld. Lyrics. Ever.
4. Hold My Life - Just a powerful opener.
3. Color Me Impressed - The first song to really sound like the Replacements peak material. Also, awesome.
2. Unsatisfied - Beautiful opening. Heartwrenching singing. Pure earnestness.
1. I Will Dare - It's perfect! Peter Buck guitar solo! Mandolin solo! Toe-tapping galore! Perfect alt country song that doesn't scream country.
also number 1. The Tim Version of Can't Hardly Wait. I forgot about it, and didn't want to work to put it into the list.
Honorable Mentions:
Black Diamond
Buck Hill
Run It
Alex Chilton
Takin' a Ride